Talking to media persons here ahead of ahead of the Budget session beginning Monday, Parliamentary Affairs Minister P K Bansal said that the UPA government might agree to formation of the JPC to probe the 2G scam, an issue which had derailed the entire winter session of Parliament. BJP has been talking of inclusion of the Commonwealth Games scandal and the Adarsh Housing scam also in its ambit.

Bansal said that discussions with Opposition on the issue of JPC are “moving forward” and expressed the hope that the Budget Session will “run smoothly”.
The demand for widening the ambit of the is unlikely to be conceded as the rules of Parliamentary procedure do not allow such a clubbing of various issues under an umbrella resolution.

Bansal sought to reject the demand for a combined JPC into the 2G scam, Commonwealth Games scandal and Adarsh Housing scam.
He said that according to rules of procedure of Parliament, a definite issue needed to be mentioned in the motion and there cannot be a probe on a general issue like corruption.