Maharashtra Chief Minister Eknath Shinde today said that his government is committed to change the state for the better by creating world-class infrastructure facilities over the next two years. While replying to the discussion on the Governor’s address in the state assembly, Mr. Shinde said projects Metro and Coastal Road are being fast-tracked, much unlike the distance administration that the state witnessed under the earlier government.
Mr. Shinde said revised proposals of 23 projects have been approved that will bring close to five lakh hectares of land under irrigation. He added that farmers have so far been awarded Rs 12 thousand crore for losses incurred due to natural calamities.
Talking about the healthcare sector, the Chief Minister said free treatment is being offered at 160 Hindu Hriday Samrat Balasaheb Thackeray Aapla Dawakhanas in Mumbai, with the number expected to rise to 200 by the end of this month. Mr. Shinde said that 4.50 crore women and two crore children have been screened under the ‘Mata Surakshit Ghar Surakshit’ campaign.
Mr. Shinde informed the house that over ten lakh passenger vehicles have used the Samruddhi Expressway since its inauguration in December last year. He said the expressway is not just a road connecting a few cities but a source of employment and economic development for the state.
The Chief Minister further said that the process to provide employment to 75000 youth is on, adding that the employment fairs being organized across the state are getting good responses from private firms.