A special court in Jaipur today convicted four out of the five accused in the 2008 Jaipur Bomb blast case. One accused has been acquitted. Quantum of punishment will be announced later.

Jaipur had witnessed serial bomb blast on 13 May, 2008 at 8 different places of the walled city.

80 persons lost their lives and 185 others were injured in the incident.

Police had arrested 5 accused out of 11 and filed the charge sheet. Special Public prosecutor Shree Chand told that the court has acquitted Shahbaz Hussain while four others – Mohammad Saif, Mohammad Sarwar Azmi, Mohammad Salman and Saifurrehman have been convicted under different sections of IPC.

In this case, 3 accused are absconding while 3 persons are in prisons of Hyderabad and Delhi.