The first batch of pilgrims for annual Amarnath Yatra will be flagged off on June 30 from Bhagwati Nagar base camp in Jammu. Holy Amarnath Yatra is commencing from Srinagar on July 01. In Jammu and Kashmir, the security in and around the Jammu Railway Station has been strengthened. Senior Superintendent of Police, Railways, Ranjit Singh Sambyal informed the media persons about it today in Jammu.

He assured pilgrims to join the pilgrimage without any fear. He said that all incoming and outgoing trains would be checked along with the luggage of the passengers with the assistance of specially trained dog squad capable of detecting explosives.

He said the quick reaction teams at the entrance and exit points have been strengthened. The SSP also said that a joint control room with representatives from all security agencies has been established in Jammu for the benefit of the pilgrims.

He further said that the security of the railway platforms has been strengthened and patrolling of the tracks have been intensified while a round-the-clock vigil would also be maintained through CCTV cameras.