The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has filed a caveat application in the Supreme Court on the Bharatiya Rashtra Samithi (BRS) MLC K Kavitha’s plea challenging the summons issued by the probe agency against her in connection to the Delhi excise policy case. A Caveat application is filed by a litigant to ensure that no adverse order is passed against them without being heard.
Kavitha, who is the daughter of Telangana Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao, has approached the Supreme court saying that as per norms, a woman cannot be summoned for questioning before ED in office and her questioning should take place at her residence. On Wednesday, the Supreme Court agreed to hear Kavitha’s plea on the 24th of this month challenging the ED summons.
ED has asked the MLC to appear again before it on Thursday in connection with a money laundering case related to the alleged irregularities in the Delhi excise policy case, but she did not appear citing that her plea is pending in SC.