Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar said, DRDO have achieved many success in last two years. He was addressing a function for Induction of DRDO developed equipment into the Indian Navy in New Delhi. He said, Tejas, Rustom 2 and up gradation of Pinaka are the latest achievement of DRDO.
Mr Parrikar formally handed overs four Naval sonar systems to the Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Sunil Lanba.
On the occasion, Mr Parrikar and Minister of skill development and entrepreneurship Rajiv Pratap Rudy presented skill certification to retiring Navy Personnel.
Mr Rudy said, the biggest challenge for the government is to find skill trainers . He said, large pool of trainer can be found from retiring Personnels.
Taking to media DG (Naval Systems and Materials) DRDO Subhash Chandra Sati said the indigenously developed sonars will boost the force’s underwater surveillance capability.
The systems inducted include Abhay – compact hull mounted sonar for shallow water crafts, Humsa UG – upgrade for the Humsa sonar system, NACS – Near-field Acoustic Characterisation System, and AIDSS – Advanced Indigenous Distress Sonar System for submarines. The systems have been designed and developed by NPOL, a Kochi based laboratory of DRDO.