Tamil Nadu Police has booked the ruling AIADMK (Amma) Party’s sidelined leader TTV Dhinakaran on charges of making derogatory remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi and state Chief Minister Edappadi K Palaniswamy. Eight of Dhinakaran’s loyalists were arrested yesterday in Salem.
The FIR filed by the police against them say the cadres owing allegiance to the sidelined leader of the party distributed pamphlets containing remarks against Prime Minister and the Chief Minister last month outside a hall where the chief minister was attending a function.
The arrested include an ex-MLA Venkatachalam. In the FIR, the names of Mr Dhinakaran, the MLA Mr Vetrivel who was declared disqualified recently by the Assembly Speaker and the party’s Karnataka wing secretary Pugalendhi and a few others are included.
This is the second case booked by the police against Mr Dhinakaran. He told journalists in Chennai yesterday, the police action is an act of political vendetta.
He expressed confidence that her aunt Ms VK Sasikala who is undergoing a four year jail term in a Bengaluru prison after conviction in the DA case would get parole very soon. Her husband Mr Natarajan is admitted into the intensive care unit of a hospital in Chennai on complaints of renal malfunctioning and breathing troubles.