Karnataka Chief Electoral Officer Manoj Kumar Meena has said that democracy is strengthened when the voters are well-informed and cast their vote with conviction. He was speaking at the valedictory function of the Hackathon-Electhon 2023 event in Bengaluru yesterday. The event was jointly organised by the Election Commission of India and the International Institute of Information Technology, Bengaluru. Mr. Meena noted that self-realisation in voters about their rights and duties as citizens derives significance and the Election Commission is making efforts to inculcate this realisation.

He pointed out that rural voters come out and vote but the urban voters have apathy towards voting. He informed that Hackathon-Electhon 2023 was inaugurated by the Chief Election Commissioner Rajiv Kumar on March 10th at the Indian Institute of Science. The goal of this activity was to seek ideas from the public across the country on bettering electoral participation in urban areas.