Delhi Sikh Gurudwara Management Committee today felicitated Home Minister Amit Shah in New Delhi. Addressing the gathering, Mr Shah said be it India’s freedom struggle, fight against Mughals or fight against Britishers, partition or sacrificing for the country, Sikh community has always been one number one. He said the whole world today is following the teachings given by Guru Nanak Dev at a time when all religions were fighting for their respective sects. He praised the Sikh community for moving forward taking both religion and Karma equally. He said that a true Sikh never looks back when it comes to sacrificing one’s life for religion. Mr Shah said that the supreme sacrifice of Guru Teg Bahadur can never be forgotten. The Home Minister said under Citizenship Amendment Act, Prime Minister Narendra Modi gave citizenship to those Sikh brothers who wanted to come to India from Afghanistan, Bangladesh, and Pakistan.