The Delhi High Court has questioned the Aam Aadmi Party-led Delhi government today for the delay in the submission of a Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) report on the liquor scam to the Assembly Speaker. The scam led to the arrests of former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal and senior leader Manish Sisodia.
The Court was hearing a petition filed by the BJP on the delay in presenting the CAG report to the Delhi Assembly. The court also addressed a plea by BJP MLAs, including Vijender Gupta, requesting a special session of the Delhi Assembly. While posting the matter for later today, the court noted that with elections approaching, a special session may not be feasible.
The report, which was sent to the Lieutenant Governor and the state government, highlighted a revenue loss of 2,026 crore rupees due to flaws in the excise policy. It cited deviations from policy objectives, a lack of transparency in pricing, and unpenalized violations in license issuance.
The BJP moved the High Court after the AAP government failed to present the report in the Assembly. With Delhi Assembly elections set for February 5, tensions between AAP and BJP have escalated.