A Delhi court on Saturday granted bail to Sushen Mohan Gupta, an alleged defence agent arrested in a money laundering case related to the Agusta Westland VVIP choppers scam case. Special Judge Arvind Kumar granted him the relief on a personal bond of 5 lakh Rs and two sureties of like amount.

The court put various conditions on the accused, including not to tamper with the evidence and leave country without court’s prior permission.

Senior advocate Siddhartha Luthra, appearing for Gupta, had said the accused had always cooperated with the investigation and will be available as and when required by the probe agency.

The application was opposed by ED’s Special Public Prosecutors D P Singh and N K Matta. The agency on May 22 had filed a supplementary charge sheet against Gupta, who was arrested under the PMLA and is currently in judicial custody.

According to the ED, Gupta’s role in the case came to light on the basis of disclosures made by Rajeev Saxena, who turned approver in the case. Agency arrested Saxena after he was deported from UAE. It is suspected that Gupta has payment details of the 3,600-crore Rs. deal to purchase Agusta Westland VVIP choppers.