NEW DELHI: (AMN) The Government on Wednesday informed the Supreme Court that Chief Vigilance Commissioner, CVC, P J Thomas has offered to recuse himself from supervising the CBI in the investigation of the 2G spectrum case.  

Chief Vigilance Commissioner P J Thomas would keep out of the CBI investigation into the 2G spectrum scam, Solicitor General Gopal Subramanium, told the Supreme Court today. 

The controversial appointment of Thomas, made three months ago, had invited harsh remarks from Supreme Court judges yesterday. As a sequel, the solicitor general who represented the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) told the judges that “in accordance with the highest tradition, Thomas has offered to recuse himself from the matter”.  

Solicitor General Gopal Subramanuium told this to a Bench of the Apex court which had Tuesday questioned Thomas for supervising the CBI in its investigation into the case. The Court said, the CBI was functioning under the CVC, while Thomas was functioning as the Telecom Secretary. Meanwhile, speaking to the Media,  Thomas said, there was no controversy and he was continuing as the CVC. Launching a scathing attack on Congress on the CVC issue, the BJP leader Venkaiah Naidu openly questioned the continuance of P.J. Thomas as CVC after the 2 G spectrum controversy. 

The Congress on the other hand said that BJP’s own record on similar matters is murky and the party leaders are levelling charges by standing on slippery ground. Party spokesman Manish Tiwari reminded them that the matter is subjudice and ideally should end at that: 

In another development, the Supreme Court on Wednesday also directed the government that the original tapes containing the conversation between corporate lobbyist Niira Radia and others pertaining to the 2G spectrum allocation case, be handed over to it in a sealed cover.