The Police used tear gas shells and resorted to lathi charge to quell the violent mob. The situation is said to be under control now and strict vigil is being maintained in the city.

Curfew was clamped in all areas where riots spread. Authorities said here on Saturday that the situation was under control.

Additional security personnel, including two platoons of the Rapid Action Force, were deployed. Senior administrative officers are monitoring the situation.

According to local people an argument over installation of a  Ganesh idol near a mosque at Favarra Chowk took violent turn which led to riots at different place of the city.

According to them there are 10 shops in the mosque compound and one of them belongs to Ashok Chaiwala who wanted to install Ganesh idol at his place. local Muslims  objected to it. After that administration with the help of senior members of both the communities agreed to take deity to some other place. In the evening when police tried to take out idol some people started protesting and raising inflammatory slogans and subsequently they attacked police vehicles and riots spread from here.

Though a lathi-charge dispersed the lawbreakers, a larger crowd gathered soon after and police vehicles were stoned.
Over a dozen people have been taken into custody, police said.