Staff Reporter / New Delhi

Communist Party of India, CPI while condemning the horrific rape and murder of young doctor and other women in Telangana has expressed deep concern over the recent incident of encounter killings of four accused of this heinous crime. The Party said that such encounter should not become a precedent. The Party hoped that there would be a ‘proper inquiry’ into the matter.

“While the entire country is rightfully angered against the violence towards women and the utter impunity awarded to the perpetrators of violence, we must be mindful that endeavors towards justice must be based upon the principles of natural justice. The police cannot act as executionists. The extermination of human life cannot be done on the basis of mob frenzy”, CPI said in a statement.

No one can justify the encounters in the name of speedy justice. This is the fundamental basis of civilized society. The speedy disposal of justice without proper procedure may lead to police state and anarchy in the name of law and order. How to ensure speedy justice with just system is a challenge. Verma committee appointed after “Nirbhaya incident” has given some suggestions which should be considered and implemented. The legal justice system must be brought to date to facilitate the delivery of justice without compromises upon the ethics of a civilized society.

Indian courts have given judgments in many encounter cases against the authorities responsible for encounter, raising doubts about encounter killings. Recent findings of 2012 Chhattisgarh incident in which more than 17 tribals were killed in alleged encounter as naxalites can be sighted as one of the recent examples. The Party expresses its concern that such encounter should not become a precedent. The Party hopes that there would be a proper inquiry into the matter.

It said that eople all over the country in rightful indignation have been demanding arrest of the culprits and speedy justice in the case of rape and murder of the doctor. Women safety should be of utmost importance to society, administration and government.