In an unfortunate incident, a police constable in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghazipur was killed after being struck by stone thrown by a protesting mob on Saturday afternoon, just hours after Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed a rally there.
The policeman killed in Ghazipur has been identified as constable Suresh Vats from Raniganj in Pratapgarh district.
Superintendent of Police (Ghazipur) Yashveer Singh said the protesters were workers from the Rashtriya Nishad Party who were prevented by the police from going to the venue.
When the Prime Minister had left Ghazipur, party workers blocked traffic at various places and started pelting stones on the vehicles returning from the programme venue,” he told media.
-Yogi Adityanath has directed top police authorities to take strict legal action against the protestors
-Vats became the second policeman to be killed in the state this month by a protesting mob
-Inspector Subodh Kumar Singh was killed in Bulandshahr in an incident of mob violence
“He was immediately taken to a hospital where he succumbed to his injuries, the SP further said.
Around 15 party workers have been detained and the rest of the protesters are being identified with the help of closed circuit TV cameras,” he added.
Taking note of the Constable’s death, UP CM Yogi Adityanath has announced Rs 40 lakh as compensation for the wife of the deceased.
This is the second incident this month where a policeman in the state has been killed by a mob.
On December 3, Inspector Subodh Kumar Singh was shot dead by a mob in Bulandshahr after violence broke out over cow slaughter allegations. A civilian also died in the incident..
According to reports the protesters were pelting stones at vehicles returning from Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s rally in Uttar Pradesh’s Ghazipur.Constable Suresh Vats too was returning from his duty at the rally venue.
He was immediately taken to a hospital where he succumbed to his injuries. The slain policeman was from Raniganj in Pratapgarh district.
The incident took place at Kathwa Mod when a police team returning from the rally venue was given information about workers from Nishad party protesting for reservation.