Congress National President Mallikarjuna Kharge released the party manifesto in Bengaluru today, May 2. The manifesto termed as Sarva Janangada Shantiya Thota which in Kannada means peaceful garden for all communities. It promises 200 units of free power and 10 kgs of rice to BPL families. It promises 2000 rupees every month to women heads of families, 3000 rupees a month to unemployed graduates, and 1500 rupees to unemployed diploma holders. It also promises free travel to all women in public transport buses.
It assures to increase reservations for SCs from 15 to 17 percent and for Scheduled Tribes from 3 percent to 7 percent. It also assures to restore 4 percent reservations to Muslims. It has also assured to ban Bajrang dal and continue the ban on PFI. Speaking on the occasion, Mallikarjuna Kharge said that the guarantees given in the manifesto will be implemented without fail.