CBI today questioned UPSC member Chattar Singh in connection with alleged irregularities in Haryana land allocation scam. The CBI has last year conducted raids at the residences of former Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda and Chattar Singh in a case of alleged irregularities in acquisition of land in Gurgaon in which farmers were cheated to the tune of 1,500 crore rupees.

The CBI had last year taken over the investigation of the case first registered at Police Station, Manesar, on allegations that the private builders in conspiracy with unknown public servants of the Haryana Government had purchased around 400 acres of land from farmers and land owners of Manesar, Naurangpur and Lakhnoula villages in Gurgaon district at throw away prices, under the threat of acquisition by the government between 2004 and 2007.