All major political parties have intensified their campaigns for the 224-seat upcoming Karnataka assembly elections. Prime Minister Narendra Modi will hold road shows and rallies at various places for two days starting tomorrow. Former Prime Minister and Janata Dal (Secular) leader H D Deve Gowda will begin campaigning for his party at 42 places starting today. Congress National President Mallikarjuna Kharge will conduct a roadshow and public meeting in Bengaluru.
At the same time, party leader Rahul Gandhi will campaign in Kalburgi and Vijayapura today to woo the voters in their favour.
Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge’s yesterday’s remark triggered sharp reactions from the BJP. Many BJP leaders accused the Congress president of crossing the boundaries of civil discourse. However, Mr. Kharge clarified that his remarks were against the BJP ideology and weren’t a personal attack on any individual.