Countries of the South Asian region should tap the potential of mutual complementariness to realise the thriving possibilities of cooperation with each other, said Foreign Minister of Bangladesh Dr A K Abdul Momen. Delivering his address at the Vivekananda International Foundation (VIF) in Delhi on Wednesday, Dr. Momen urged the countries of the region to enhance cooperation by setting up regional power and energy grids, ensuring equitable market access, quick transfer and assimilation of technology and employment of professionals in regional economies.

Dr. A K Abdul Momen is in Delhi participating in the G20 Foreign Ministers meeting. Bangladesh is one of the seven guest countries invited to take part in its deliberations during the presidentship of India.

Highlighting the fact that the South Asian region has one of the lowest levels of inter-regional trade in the world, Dr. Momen said that no country should abruptly impose tariff and non-tariff barriers to offset the prospects of trade. He also called upon countries of the region to allow free flow of investment as investment and trade go hand in hand. Removal of barriers on investment will promote economic prosperity for all, said Dr. Momen.

Dr. Momen stressed upon the growing friendship between Bangladesh and India over the last few years. Speaking about high level visits between the two countries, Dr. Momen said that during the visit of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina to India last year, both countries signed several MoUs and inaugurated projects like the water sharing agreement on Kushiara river, opening of the first unit of the Maitree Super Thermal Power plant at Rampal, Railway bridge on Rupsha river and scholarships handed over to the family members of Indian forces who lost their lives during the liberation war of Bangladesh. Earlier, President, Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs of India had visited Bangladesh in 2021 during Golden jubilee celebration of its independence.

Reiterating Bangladesh policy of zero tolerance towards terrorism and violent extremism, Foreign Minister Dr. Momen said that his country will never allow its soil to be used for such activities.

On the issue of communal harmony and tolerance, Foreign Minister Dr. Momen said that tolerance of cultural diversity, political differences, and religious diversity is one of the keys to Bangladesh’s gradual economic development. He said Bangladesh believes that communal harmony is a prerequisite for a stable country.