BANGLADESH Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina today reaffirmed that the next national election will be held in due time and no one can stop it.
She denounced the recent terror acts carried out by BNP-Jamaat clique in the name of movement and said that no dialogue will be held with the killers.
“No dialogue or talks will be held with the killers and the people of Bangladesh also don’t want it… the next national election will be held in due time and none can stop it,” she said.
Addressing a press conference to brief the media at her official Ganabhaban residence about the outcome of her recently concluded visit to Brussels in Belgium from October 24-26 to attend Global Gateway Forum, the premier also said the next national election will be held following the same procedure the country followed during the 2018 general polls.
About the polls-time government, she the full cabinet will continue working till the next election.  
“The cabinet will do their routine work after announcement of the election schedule as per the RPO and the ministers will not be entitled to government facilities during their election campaign,” she said.
Sheikh Hasina, also the president of ruling Awami League, castigated the recent terrorist activities of BNP in the name of movement, in which one police constable was brutally killed and other police personnel and 45 journalists were inhumanly tortured.
“They (BNP) also attacked the police hospital and killed people there like the Israeli (attack on Palestine),” she said, adding, “There is no difference between BNP and Israel as the brutality of the attack was the same.”