The day home minister and BJP leader Amit Shah visited Tamil Nadu, AIADMK said its alliance with the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) will continue for the 2021 Tamil Nadu assembly election.
Deputy CM O Panneerselvam said BJP and AIADMK will continue its alliance for the upcoming election while Chief Minister E Palaniswami added that the party will continue with its tie-up with the BJP.
On his part Mr Amit Shah said the BJP is uprooting dynasty politics in various states in the elections, and expressed hope that the record will be repeated in Tamil Nadu as well.
His remarks come in the backdrop of the state going for the Assembly General Elections in about six months. He questioned the Congress and the DMK what moral standing they have to talk of corruption as issues like 2G arose during the UPA rule.
He asked the opposition to look into their backyard before talking of corruption. The state chief minister and AIADMK Co-Coordinator Edappadi Palaniswamy and the Deputy Chief Minister and the ruling party coordinator O.Panneerselvam announced in the function that their alliance with the BJP will continue for the Assembly Elections as well.
Amit Shah has said the Central Government led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi is fighting the Covid-19 pandemic resolutely and very effectively.
He launched works on various infrastructure projects in Tamil Nadu worth nearly 68-thousand crore rupees at a function in Chennai this evening.
They include works on the 118 kilometre long Second Phase of the Metro Rail Services in Chennai. The 61,843- crore rupees project is aimed at linking many hub centres of the city with modern transport connectivity. In his address, he lauded the track record of handling the pandemic situation saying it tops among all states by reaching a recovery rate of 97 percent.