Home Minister Amit Shah has said that if the BJP comes to power in West Bengal, the decision to launch the Ayushman Bharat scheme will be taken in the first cabinet meeting. Addressing a BJP rally at Domurjola in Howrah district of West Bengal virtually, Mr Shah expressed confidence of forming the next government in the state and take it on the path of development.
He said, TMC leaders are joining the BJP as Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee has failed the people of West Bengal. Welcoming those who joined the BJP at today’s rally, Mr Shah said that the participation of these leaders and ministers would further strengthen the resolve of the BJP to build a Sonar Bangla.
Mr Shah alleged that Mamata Banerjee has done injustice to people of the state by taking West Bengal backwards in every sphere. Referring to TMC’s slogan Mother, Land and people, the Home minister alleged that the party actually indulges in extortion, corruption and appeasement. He said, the BJP leaders and workers would go to every farmer’s house and raise the issue as the Chief Minister has deprived the farmers by not launching the Krishak Samman Nidhi Yojana in the state.
Addressing the rally, Union Minister Smriti Irani alleged that the food provisions provided by the Centre during COVID-19 induced lockdown was looted by the ruling TMC. Former TMC leaders Rajib Banerjee, Baishali Dalmiya, Prabir Ghoshal, Rathin Chakraborti and Rudranil Ghosh, who have joined the BJP, were also present in the rally.