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BJP MP Ashok Argal, former BJP MPs, Faggan Singh Kulaste and Mahaveer Bhagoda are among those who have been chargesheeted in the case.

The 80-page chargesheet filed before special judge Sangita Dhingra Sehgal, by delhi Police said that on morning of July 22, 2008, Amar Singh, MP hatched a ‘criminal conspiracy’ with his secretary Sanjeev Saxena to deliver cash of R1 crore as illegal gratification ahead of a confidence vote against the UPA government.
It alleged that Amar Singh “conspired” with Saxena and others to bribe the MPs, and Kulkarni played an “active role” during the confidence motion. Amar Singh was charged under section 12 of the Prevention of Corruption Act read with section 120 B (conspiracy) of IPC.

The chargesheet said, “Saxena… delivered Rs 1 crore cash at 4, Ferozeshah Road …to three BJP MPs — Argal, Kuleste and Bhagoda as advance, out of a total deal of Rs 9 crore as Rs 3 crore (was to be paid) to each MP to abstain from voting during the motion of confidence.”
Suhail Hindustani, a BJP worker and Amar Singh’s former aide Sanjeev Saxena whose names also figure in the chargesheet, are already in the judicial custody.

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