Actor-producer Alia Bhatt has announced a five-part series as an attempt to disseminate authentic information about Covid-19 vaccines amid “myths and rumours that are exchanged on social media”.

Titled The Intersection: Vaccinate India, the series is a collaboration between Alia’s production house Eternal Sunshine Productions and podcast network Audiomatic.

“Even though the vaccines are here, some of us are still hesitant. A great deal of this hesitancy is due to misinformation, myths and rumours that are exchanged on social media and other messaging platforms,” the 28-year-old actor says in the video shared on her official Twitter page.

The series is an effort to learn more about the vaccines through “reliable sources and make the most informed choice about getting vaccinated”, she said. The Intersection, which debuts will see renowned doctors and global health activists sharing data and facts around Covid-19 vaccines.