Akansha Singh, a small village girl has also scored a perfect 720 to clinch the top spot in the prestigious NEET. Hailing to a small village, Akansha and her family’s journey to success is an inspiration for many.

While Soyeb Aftab of Odisha has secured AIR 1, Akansha Singh from Kushinagar has also scored a perfect 720 out of 720 to become the NEET 2020 Topper among girls and also AIR 2 rank. She was placed second because of the tie breaker policy as both the students have scored a perfect tonne.

Akansha Singh’s journey to success is inspiration for many girls from Purvanchal by becoming the first girl from rural Purvanchal to crack the medical entrance exam. Her zeal to become a doctor made her journey 70 kms from her village in Kushinagar to Gorakhpur, where she enrolled in Aakash Institute during her Class 9 and 10 and then from Delhi branch in Classes 11 and 12.

Daughter of an ex-sergent of the Indian Air Force, Akansha is AIR 2, NEET topper among girls and also the state topper from Uttar Pradesh. She becomes the only other student along with Soyeb to have achieved the feat of perfect score. But it was not easy and involved tremendous support from her family.