Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Ahkilesh Yadav today presented fifth and last budget of his present regime. The size of the budget is Rs 3,46,935 crore, which is up 14.6% in respect of previous year’s budget. Out of it, 1336 crores rupees have been allocated to clear the sugarcane farmer’s dues.

2057 crores rupees will be there to distribute among farmers to compensate as crop loss in fifty districts declared drought hit whereas 93,212 crore rupees will be there to distribute as crop loan to purchase seeds and fertilisers to the farmers. More emphasis has been laid on the welfare of farmers and towards upliftment of rural areas.

New welfare schemes of 13,842 crore rupees have also been included in the budget. CM Ahkilesh Yadav said that a budget deficit of 49,960.87 crore including a deficit of 6814.17 crore from Consolidated Fund is estimated in the budget.

The budget also envisages starting a new ‘Samajwadi Kisan Evam Sarvhit Bima Yojna’ with a corpus of Rs 897 crores. The government has enhanced the beneficiary families from current 45 lakhs to 55 lakhs under Samajwadi Pension Yojna.