The Parliament attack convict Afzal Guru on Friday termed the Delhi High Court bomb blast as a “barbaric crime” and “cowardly act” and said that it must be condemned by all.

Distancing himself from blast Afzal in a letter to press through his lawyer N D Pancholi said: “No religion permits the killing of innocents”.

He said he was “disturbed” by his name being dragged into the case. “Some agencies/groups are playing dirty game by falsely involving my name. This is not for the first time that my name has been dragged by some mischievous persons /groups for such heinous crimes. It has become a routine that whenever such blasts take place my name is sought to be dragged in order to de-characterize and  malign me to cultivate public opinion against me”, he said in letter sent from Tihar jail.

Soon after the blast, an e-mail was received, said to have been written by Harkat-ul-Jihad Islami (HuJI), owning responsibility and demanding repeal of Guru’s death sentence.

here is the copy of Afzal Guru letter—