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NEW DELHI: (AMN) Afghan Foreign Minister Zalmay Rassoul on Tuesday briefed the Prime Minister, Dr. Manmohan Singh about latest developments in Afghanistan and India’s aid Programme in the country.

Rassoul understood to have discussed the Prime Minister on the efforts to bring about peace in the war torn country.

Rassoul visit to India is the first Afghan ministerial visit after Wiki Leaks, an online whistle-blower revealed extensive involvement of Pakistan-backed terror groups in attacks against Indian personnel and interests in the violence-torn country.

Afghanistan has also voiced anger against Pakistan and accused it of harbouring Taliban and Al-Qaeda militants. The Afghan National Security Advisor, Dr. Rangir Dadfar Spanta in an article in Washington Post talked about the frustration among Afghan people over the fact that sanctuaries of terrorism continue to exist in Pakistan which continues to receive billions of dollars in aid. He said that the global community is committing a blunder by embracing Pakistan as its strategic partner in the fight against terror.
Rassoul will have detailed delegation level talks with the External Affairs Minister, S.M. Krishna today . Ways to combat terrorism and review of India’s aid to Afghanistan will be high on the agenda of his talks.

Briefing media on the visit, the External Affiars Ministry spokesman, Vishnu Prakash said said that despite the heinous attacks on Indian interests by the forces inimical to Indo-Afghan relations, New Delhi remains committed to assisting Afghanistan. India has not only been helping Afghanistan in the infrastructure development but also helping it in its capacity and institution building.

India, with aid projects worth $ 1.3 billion already going on in Afghanistan, has made it clear that it is  ready to extend any possible assistance to that country depending on its request.
India has been extending "unstinted assistance" as per the "wishes, preferences and priorities" of Afghan government, External Affairs Ministry spokesman Vishnu Prakash said.
He said India would continue to plays a "benign role" which has been widely appreciated by people of Afghanistan

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