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Several world leaders and Governments have slammed at the immigration restrictions imposed by US President Donald Trump. European Union (EU) foreign policy head, Federica Mogherini has said EU would continue to support, welcome and take care of those who flee from war.

Britain said, Prime Minister Theresa May does not agree with the restrictions and would intervene if they affected British nationals.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault said, welcoming refugees who are fleeing war is part of our duty. Swedish Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Margot Wallstrom called the decision deeply unfortunate and said it increases mistrust and tensions between people.

Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said on his official Twitter account that diversity is Canada’s strength and Canadians will welcome those fleeing persecution, terror and war. Germany, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Indonesia and Iran have also criticized Trump for the ban.

President Trump has signed an executive order on Friday suspending entry to the US from Iraq, Syria, Sudan, Iran, Somalia, Libya, and Yemen for 90 days. US also suspended its entire refugee admissions programme for 120 days and banned those fleeing Syria as refugees until further notice.