Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister, Mehbooba Mufti Sunday flagged off a fortnightly train service exclusively for children between Banihal and Baramulla. The Chief Minister flagged off the train ‘Vaadi Ki Sair’ at Qazigund and travelled with the children till Baramulla and finally de-boarded at Srinagar. She interacted with the children and asked them to devote time to their studies and extracurricular activities in equal measure, an official handout said. The children also had lot of fun on the train. They were seen reciting rhymes, singing songs and enjoying Nature.
Minister for R&B, Abdul Rehman Veeri, Minister for Education, Naeem Akhtar, Ministers of State, Asiea Naqash, Mir Zahoor and Priya Sethi, MPs, legislators, senior officers of divisional administration, senior officers of Northern Railways and large number of people joined the train run at several stops.