hillary-trum-tv-footageIn the United States, Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump was briefly rushed off the stage by secret service agents at a rally in Reno, Nevada in a false alarm. A man holding a sign saying ‘Republicans Against Trump’ was tackled by security agents after claims that he had a gun.

Two security agents seized Trump by the shoulders and hustled him backstage as police officers swarmed over a white male in the front of the crowd and held him face down on the ground while they searched him.

Moments later, the man was escorted by police away with his hands behind his back. Trump, seemingly unruffled, returned to the stage and continued his campaign speech.

Mr Trump returned to the stage minutes later. He said, he is going to target states seen as Democratic strongholds ahead of Tuesday’s election. He is set to visit Pennsylvania, Michigan and also Minnesota, which has not voted Republican since 1972.