asaramSupreme Court has rejected the interim bail plea of Asaram who is facing trial in rape cases, on health grounds and asked him to get his treatment done in Rajasthan in judicial custody itself.

A bench of Justices A K Sikri and N V Ramana gave this direction today after Asaram said, he wanted to undergo ayurvedic treatment in Delhi for which he needed one month’s interim bail. The Counsel appearing for Rajasthan government said, they were ready to provide all possible treatment to Asaram at the hospitals in the state.

The bench, however, clarified that Asaram’s supporters should not be allowed in the hospital and none of his followers should meet him. The court said, it will hear the plea for regular bail of Asaram in November. Earlier, a medical board of All India Institute of Medical Sciences had told the apex Court that the health condition of Asaram was stable.