BJP national general secretary Kailash Vijayvargiya on Tuesday, hit out at Shah Rukh Khan for his remarks about intolerance in the country. He said that Shah Rukh Khan lived in India but his mind is in Pakistan and that despite the fact that his films earn crores, he sees India as an intolerant nation. Calling SRK a traitor, he went on to claim that the project India as intolerant nation is part of this conspiracy along with Pakistan and other anti-India forces and asked where SRK was during the 26/11 attacks or the 1993 blasts.
Kailash Vijayvargiya @KailashOnline
शाहरुख़ खान रहते भारत में हैं पर उनका मन सदा पाकिस्तान में रहता है। उनकी फिल्मों यहाँ करोड़ो कमाती है पर उन्हें भारत असहिष्णु नजर आता है 1/5
6:32 PM – 3 Nov 2015
Khan yesterday said that there was nothing worse than religious intolerance and that it would take India to the Dark Ages.
“Our religion cannot be defined or showed respect to by our meat-eating habits. How banal and silly is that,” said Shah Rukh Khan in a hard-hitting and outspoken interview to NDTV.
The actor came out in support of the artistes and writers who have returned awards to protest what they call “growing intolerance”, but said he wouldn’t do it, rather would choose a different form of protest, like a march or a strike.
Also responding to a question about online abusers who “tell him to go to Pakistan”, he had said, “This is a country where my father fought for freedom and he gave me a piece of it. So I am very proud of it and I am not giving away what my father gave (me) to anyone or leaving any which way. So please shut up.”