India_China_falgsChina is in favour of  a pact with India on a Code of Conduct to maintain peace along the border rather than clarification of Line of Actual Control proposed by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his visit to China last month. Outlining China’s first public reaction to Prime Minister Modi’s proposal, Deputy Director General of the Asian Affairs at the Foreign Ministry Huang Xilian said both sides should try to reach an agreement on Code of Conduct as attempts to clarify mutual positions on the LAC had encountered difficulties in the past.

China says the border dispute is confined only to 2,000 kms mostly in Arunachal Pradesh, but India asserts that the dispute covered the western side of the border spanning about 4,000 kms, especially the Aksai Chin area annexed by China in 1962 war. The two sides have so far held 18 rounds of Special Representative talks to resolve the issue.