“Guidance of Holy Qur’an is for the whole of humanity and Sura Al Fatiha, the opening chapter of Holy Qur’an or ummul Qur’an, itself makes it obvious when the prayer in this Sura uses expression Rabbul Alameen and not Rabbul Muslimeen,” said Justice Verma while delivering the valedictory address at a seminar on “Relevance of Islamic Law in the contemporary world” organized by the Islamic Fiqh Academy (India) here.

He urged the judiciary to consult the experts of Islamic Shariah whenever any issue concerning the same was raised before it should abstain from resorting to interpretation of Islamic Shariah by relying upon the translations of its sources.

Justice Verma further said that the basic essence of right human conduct was righteousness which was also called Dharma.

He said that his understanding of Islamic law provisions got further enriched and his conviction about the rationale of Islamic law provisions and their harmony with overall scheme of human life got further strengthened by interacting with the Ulema at the seminar.

Recalling his judgment on the Ayodhya dispute and his visit to Gujarat just after the 2002 pogrom of the Muslims in the state, he said: “we must continue to perform our duties and should promote pluralism in the country.”

Urging the Fiqh Academy to promote better understanding about Islam and Islamic law that would usher in an era of harmony, justice and equity in the country, he said the Article 14 of the Indian Constitution was very much based on the inheritance law of  Islam.

Earlier, speaking on the occasion, Maulana Khalid Saifullah Rahmani, General Secretary, Islamic Fiqh Academy (India) explained the rationale behind the various provisions of Islamic law pertaining to some of the most misunderstood concepts of Islamic Family laws.

Maulana also pointed that the Islamic system was basically a system wherein weak persons felt empowered. He said that this system of law was an integrated whole and taking one provision out of context and criticizing it for some supposed inadequacies was not fair.

“Islamic law provisions must be seen in the context of the values that Islam seeks to promote for welfare of humanity,” he said.

A host of Ulema, Muftis, lawyers, legal scholars and other prominent intellectuals from all over the country participated in deliberations in the two day seminar. More than 20 papers were presented.

The Seminar called upon the academicians and intellectuals to study provisions of Islamic Shariah pertaining to various aspects of contemporary life, not as a religious system but as a system of law which is balanced, and is for the benefit of whole of humanity.

It observes that the Islamic Shariah is one of the most misunderstood systems of law and therefore, it is incumbent upon Ulema, Muftis, Muslim lawyers and Muslim legal scholars to play their part in removing such misunderstanding.

There is a need to encourage such students of Deeni Madarsas who specialize in Islamic Fiqh to study contemporary law.

The seminar urges the  Muslim lawyers  to get access  to the original sources of Islamic Shariah and asks the Islamic Fiqh Academy (India) to prepare a distance learning programme in Islamic Fiqh (jurisprudence) and also organize workshops so that such lawyers acquaint themselves with Islamic Shariah provisions and may present them truly and diligently in the matters pending before courts.


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