JAMMU (AMN) The All Party parliamentary delegation led by Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram held further consultations with leaders of various political parties and representatives of different groups here on Tuesday. Among the major parties that interacted with the delegation, were the National Conference, Congress, BJP and PDP.  

During interaction the State Unit of BJP opposed any move to grant autonomy to the State. It said that the State already enjoys special status and powers under the Constitution of India.
The Party also opposed any move to revoke  Armed Forces Special Powers Act and accused the successive State Governments of discriminating with Jammu region.

The National Conference and CPI(M) demanded autonomy for the State and an Employment package for the unemployed youth of the state. CPI(M) also demanded improvement in the condition of Kashmiri Pandit Migrants living in Camps in Jammu.
Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) blamed the State Coalition Government for the present unrest in Kashmir, while Congress party delegation demanded equitable development for all the three regions of the State and employment Package for the unemployed youths. Panthers party boycotted the Delegation saying that the delegation has no  any constitutional authority.