“However, as Bhatt has also been put under suspension in two other cases, he will remain under suspension till those cases are pending,” said state’s Principal Secretary (Home) S K Nanda.

Bhatt, who named Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi for complicity in the 2002 riots, was placed under suspension by the Home Department in exercise of powers conferred by Rule 3(1) of All India Services (Discipline and Appeals) Rules, 1969 on August 8, 2011.

The specific reasons cited against him were unauthorised absence from duty, non-appearance before a departmental panel and alleged misuse of official vehicle while he was posted as SRP training school principal in Junagadh district.

“His suspension has been revoked in this particular case,” Nanda said.

“The central review committee which had met on August 6, 2012 was of the opinion that the proposal of the state government for further extension of Bhatt’s suspension beyond one year may be rejected,” a ministry of home affairs communication sent to Bhatt by the state home department said.

“The state government has considered the recommendations of central review committee carefully and decided to accept the same and revoke suspension of Bhatt with effect from August 8 this year,” Nanda said.

However, he remains suspended from the service in a criminal case where he has been accused for forcing his former constable to file a forged affidavit in which he had spend six days in police custody.

Another case in which Bhatt was listed in the charge sheet was for possessing weapons beyond the stipulated limit as per service rules. His ranks allowed him to carry three weapons but five weapons were found from his possession. “He will remain under suspension till these two cases are over,” Nanda said.

Reacting to this development, Bhatt said, “Central Review Committee and central government have righted the wrong done by state home department.

“I have never challenged my suspension and now they have revoked my suspension, now it’s up to state government to decide when and where to reinstate me.”