In Maharashtra, Ratnagiri Police has arrested a prime suspect in the Kozhikode train fire case, who allegedly set co-passengers on fire, killing three people on Sunday night, April 2.

Superintendent of Police, Dr. Dhananjay Kulkarni informed that the suspect was arrested at midnight from Ratnagiri Railway station by the Crime Branch and Anti-terrorism Squad of Ratnagiri Police. He has been handed over to a Special Investigation Team of Kerala Police.

According to the Maharashtra ATS, the accused will be handed over soon to a team of Kerala police and is expected to be brought to Kochi by the evening. Union Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw confirmed that the person who committed the heinous crime has been apprehended in Ratnagiri, Maharashtra. The Minister thanked the Maharashtra Government, Police, RPF and NIA for apprehending the accused quickly

Railway Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw appreciated the efforts of the Maharashtra Police, Railway Protection Force and National Investigation Agency to nab the culprit of the Kozhikode train fire case. Mr Vaishnaw was talking to the media in the Parliament complex. He said the person has committed a heinous crime and was apprehended in the Ratnagiri district of Maharashtra.