Union Home Minister and senior BJP leader Amit Shah inaugurated the Vijay Sankalpa Yatra of the Bhartiya Janata Party in Bidar today. The Yatra which has begun from four corners of the state, will traverse 8000 kilometres to cover 31 districts and 224 constituencies to campaign for the upcoming assembly elections in Karnataka.
Addressing the gathering on this occasion, Mr Shah said that over 50 leaders will visit the state during the course of the Yatra. He further said mud slinging by the opposition towards the Prime Minister will only make him dearer to the people and BJP will blossom. He asked the voters to reject dynasty and vote bank politics and support BJP, which he said is dedicated to ensuring national security and safeguarding our cultural ethos.
Mr Shah said that the double engine government at the centre and the state has helped transform the backward regions in the state. Recently the present Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai allocated Rs 5000 crore in the budget for the development of Kalyan Karnataka districts, he noted.
Listing out other projects taken up in the state now, Mr Shah said that Rs 30,000 crore for railway infrastructure development, the Bidar-Kalburgi-Ballary road at a cost of Rs 411 crore and the Ganga Kalyana project worth Rs 1150 crore to promote drip irrigation, are part of several developmental projects initiated in Karnataka.