Senior BJP leader and Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched a scathing attack against the CPI (M) and Congress in Tripura accusing the alliance partners of taking back the development of the state. He said with the double-engine government development of Tripura has been put on the fast track. Addressing an election rally at Ambassa in Dhalai district, he said, the identity of Tripura is not violent or backwardness anymore now. He said, flags of all political parties are seen in the state this year during the assembly election. However, five years back this was not possible and only the flag of only one party was seen and that was of CPI(M). He said that BJP has freed Tripura of fear.

The Prime Minister also said that by implementing the 7th pay commission salary of lakh of employees of the state government has increased. He also rued that earlier people could reach police stations with great difficulty but in the BJP government, there is a rule of law in the State. Mr. Modi said during that period of violence, girls and women were subjected to a lot of atrocities but now they are being empowered and their life has been made easier.

He said Dhalia which was earlier among the backward districts has now become an aspirational district. It is now in the second place in the list of aspirational districts out of 110 districts in the country, added Mr. Modi. He appealed to the people of Tripura to vote for the BJP and alliance partners. He said during the last election he had promised to give HIRA which means Highway, Internet, Railway and Airway.

Efforts are on to lay optical fibre network in each and every village of Tripura. He said, the government is trying to connect Tripura and North east through waterways, roadways and rail network. Mr. Modi said, international flights will soon take off from the Agartala airport.

He said Tripura is moving towards becoming the gateway of South East Asia. Mr. Modi said, PM Awas Yojana has changed the lives of people in Tripura. In last five years, he asserted that the BJP government has provided around three lakh pucca houses to the poor under the PM Awas Yojana.  The Prime Minister said, under the CPIM and Congress rule, people of the State have been under pain, there were no proper hospitals and no money to spend on the treatment. Now under BJP government more than two lakh poor people have benefitted through the Ayushman yojana in Tripura, he further added.

Addressing another election rally at Udaipur in Gomti District Mr. Modi promised to expedite the development process in Tripura. He said that the BJP government did a wonderful job in developing road, railway networks in the state in the last five years. The Prime Minister alleged that both the CPIM and Congress governments didn’t care to provide even the common facilities to the people.  He said that the double engine government gave a new identity to Tripura and the state is no longer considered as a backward state. Mr. Modi mentioned that BJP government gave free electricity to 3.5 lakh families and piped water facilities to the 4 lakh families. The Prime Minister said that his government is committed to uplift the living conditions of poor, women and tribal people. Mr. Modi said that 80 thousand crore rupees have been provided in the Union Budget for PM Awas Yojna and assured that all needy people would get concrete houses in Tripura.

Meanwhile, leaders of Congress and Left alliance, TMC, TIPRA Motha and independent candidates are also addressing rallies and carrying out door to door campaigns across the state.