The Centre has asked the government of Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir and Odisha to take urgent steps to ensure high levels of cleanliness during the ongoing Kedarnath Yatra and upcoming Amarnath Yatra and Rath Yatra. In this regard, Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affair Manoj Joshi has written to the Chief Secretaries of Uttarakhand, Jammu and Kashmir and Odisha.
The National teams from the Ministry are being deputed to these States to take stock of the preparations underway and also to provide inputs for improving sanitation and garbage management. Video-conferencing meeting has been scheduled early next week to discuss with State, city and district officials to discuss the preparedness.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, in his 89th Mann Ki Baat address last month, had expressed his concern regarding the heap of filth in Kedarnath. Mr. Modi appealed for maintaining the dignity of these pilgrimage sites through purity and cleanliness, as it is imperative that we abide by the resolution of cleanliness.
The letter written by the Housing and Urban Secretary has specified various initiatives to be taken for sanitation and waste management. The States have been requested to provide for sufficient numbers of public toilets for throughout the approach roads to the Shrines, and ensure that that they are kept clean, hygienic and usable at all times.
In order to prevent indiscriminate littering by visitors, segregated litter bins will have to be placed along the approach roads, along with regular emptying of the same. Local Swachhata brand ambassadors are to be identified and designated for the ‘Swachh Yatra’, and spread the messages of cleanliness to motivate visitors to behave responsibly and help in maintaining ‘Swachhata’.