Prime minister Narendra Modi today met President Ram Nath Kovind today at the Rashtrapati  Bhavan and briefed him a first hand account of the security breach in his convoy at Punjab yesterday. The President expressed his concern about the serious lapse. 

After meeting Mr Kovind, Prime Minister in a tweet  said the President’s good wishes are always a strength for him.
Vice President M.Venkaiah Naidu also spoke to Prime Minister Narendra Modi about the security lapse during the Prime Minister’s visit to Punjab yesterday. Mr. Naidu expressed deep concern and hoped that stringent steps will be taken to scrupulously adhere to established security protocol and ensure such a situation doesn’t recur in future.

Yesterday, the Home ministry  took cognisance of the security breach and sought a report from the Punjab government

Punjab govt constitutes high-level committee to probe security lapses during PM’s visit

Punjab government today constituted a two-membered high-level committee to probe the security lapses during Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s visit to the Ferozepur yesterday. According to an official release issued by the Punjab chief minister’s office, the panel would comprise Justice (Retd.) Mehtab Singh Gill and the Principal Secretary of Home Affairs and Justice Anurag Verma. An official spokesman said the committee will submit its report within three days.