Information and Broadcasting Minister Prakash Javadekar today launched Government’s Digital Calender and Diary App in New Delhi. Speaking on the occasion, Mr Javadekar said, government calendar that has adorned the walls in the past will now adorn mobile phones. He said, now technology has changed and there are now 120 crores mobile phones in the country. The Minister said, 70 crore people are using mobile phones and they are using calendar in mobile.
Mr Javadekar said, paperless governance has come to offices and files are now moving as e-files. The Minister said, the digital calender is an environment-friendly initiative. Mr Javadekar said, the digital calender inaugurated today is available in Hindi and English, but it will be available in 11 languages from 15th of this month. He said, the calender has a theme for every month and it will also have all informations of 100 revolutionary programmes of the government.
The GOI Calender and the Diary App is available for download on both Google Play store and iOS App Store. The app has been designed and developed by Bureau of Outreach and Communication, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. The app will do away with the need for a new calendar every year.
Information and Broadcasting Secretary Amit Khare was present on the occasion among others.