The government of Bangladesh has made wearing of masks mandatory for all. In a circular issued by the Health Services Department of the government on Tuesday it was announced that all employees working in government or private organisations, factories, pedestrians, hotel workers etc. must wear masks.

People going to receive health care to hospitals must also wear the mask. Wearing masks has been made compulsory at religious and educational institutions, shopping malls and shops. It will also apply to people using public transport on road, water, rail and air.

In order to control the spread of the Coronavirus during the forthcoming Eid-Ul-Azha festival falling on August 1, the government has announced that no special trains will be run during this period. The announcement was made on Tuesday by the Railway Minister Mohammad Nurul Islam Sujan in Dhaka.

A very large number of people travel back to their home towns and villages from Dhaka during the festival of Eid-Ul-Azha.

In the meanwhile, 41 people succumbed to Coronavirus infection in Bangladesh on Tuesday taking the death toll to 2709. According to the Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS), 3057 fresh cases of Corona were also reported during the last 24 hours since Monday afternoon. The total number of infected people in Bangladesh has gone up to 2,10,510. The recovery rate in the country is now 54.82 percent.

In a new development Director General of the DGHS Dr Abul Kalam Azad resigned on Tuesday amid criticisms over irregularities and mismanagement in the health sector, reports the UNB.