At least 761 people were injured in clashes in Catalonia amid the referendum on the region’s independence from Spain.

Catalan emergency officials said that 761 people have been injured as police used force to try to block voting in Catalonia’s independence referendum.

The Spanish government had pledged to stop a poll that was declared illegal by the country’s constitutional court. Spanish riot police fired rubber bullets and forced their way into activist-held polling stations as thousands flooded the streets to vote in an independence referendum.

Catalan leader Carles Puigdemont condemned the action of federal police and said the unjustified use of violence by the Spanish state will not stop the will of the Catalan people.

Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy insists there has been no independence vote in Catalonia. In a television address after polls closed today in the northeastern region, PM said the great majority of Catalans did not follow the script of the secessionists.