Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed satisfaction over the expanded and strengthened strategic partnership between India and the United States over the past two years which has opened new vistas for collaboration.

During his meeting with US Secretary of State John Kerry and U.S. Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker in New Delhi Wednesday, the Prime Minister conveyed that he looked forward to rapid progress and successful completion of the decisions taken with U S President Barack Obama at the recent Summit Meeting in June.

Mr Modi also said that he looked forward to meeting President Obama at the G-20 Summit in Hangzhou, China.

According to the Prime Minister’s Office, the two Secretaries briefed Mr Modi on the 2nd India-U.S. Strategic and Commercial Dialogue that concluded yesterday in New Delhi.

They discussed progress in bilateral engagement since Prime Minister’s visit to U.S. in June 2016. Mr Kerry also shared U.S. perspective on developments in the region and beyond.

Earlier in the day, addressing an interaction programme at IIT Delhi, Mr Kerry said that terror groups and extremism cannot be fought by one nation and all countries have to confront the menace together.

Mr Kerry said, both India and US know the pain of terrorism and it is important to strike at its root cause. He said, security threat is the biggest challenge.

Speaking on the Indo-US relationship, the Secretary of State said, in recent years, trade between the two nations has doubled and Washington is now New Delhi’s top export market.

He said, both countries worked together in Nepal during the devastating earthquake, evacuated the people trapped in war-torn Yemen and trained peace-keepers in Africa.

Talking on India, the Secretary of State said, India is an established power and is playing a crucial role in the world today. He said, India is an essential partner and the US has welcomed its rise.

Mr Kerry said, both countries are the two largest democracies in the world bound with common values of tolerance, equality, respect for religious pluralism and peace.

Replying to a query on India’s bid for permanent UNSC seat, Mr Kerry said, there is a way but it is a bit complicated.

On Pakistan, Mr Kerry said, it is clear that there is work to do for Pakistan to push harder against sanctuaries of terror. He said, polarization anywhere in the world is not good as it reflects intolerance and frustration.

He said, relationship between India and the US is not just only important for the two democracies but also for the rest of the world. He said, relationship between President Barack Obama and Prime Minister Narendra Modi built on sense of common purpose.