The 5-Day Himalayan Festival concluded in Leh, after screening over 50 films from 12 Himalayan States of the country. On the occasion, Ladakh LG RK Mathur appealed Ladakh film makers to make a series on Kesar, the mythical king of the region. He said with the help of the centre, the Union Territory administration is providing FTII certification to the youths to help them with technology to hone up their creativity. He said the administration is also working on coming out with a film industry policy of the UT Ladakh and a film theatre. Mr Mathur appreciated the team for successful Film festival.
Information and Broadcasting Secretary Apurva Chandra said that his ministry would contemplate conducting a short film competition on the occassion of Azadi ke Amrit Mahotsav. This would be in addition to the already listed flagship themes. While appreciating successful begining of Himalayan Film Festival, Mr Apurva Chandra hoped that the film festival would spread to entire Himalayan region, internationally.
LAHDC Leh CEC Tashi Gyaltson appealed the film industry to continue to help the youth of Ladakh. He said during the masterclass by film experts local youth had opportunity to learn much about film crafts at their doorsteps during the Himalayan Film Festival in Leh. He hoped the festival grow to international standards in coming years. Film maker Rakeysh Om Prakash Mehra assured to spend one month every year to train film makers of Ladakh.
UT secretary Padma Angmo and Leh DC Shrikant Suse also spoke.
Earlier LG RK Mathur, Apurva Chandra and Tashi Gyaltson presented awards to the winners in various categories of the Himalayan Film festival
Festival concluded with the screening of The Sheperdess of Glaciers of Ladakhi Director Stanzin Dorjay.