Miffed for not getting a BJP ticket for the forthcoming assembly election in Karnataka, the senior leader from the party Lakshman Savadi joined Congress party in Bengaluru on Friday. The Karnataka Congress President D K Shivakumar welcomed Savadi into the party in the presence of other senior leaders. Speaking on the occasion, Shivakumar said that Savadi is an influential Lingayat leader from North Karnataka and is interested in the development of his district. He added that Savadi has joined Congress without any conditions.

In his reaction to Savadi quitting BJP, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has said that the Congress is poaching BJP leaders as they do not have candidates in more than 60 constituencies. He said the BJP party workers will ensure a thumping majority to BJP. He announced that the third list of candidates for the Assembly election will come out soon and that he will file his nomination papers from Shegaon tomorrow.