The BJP has accused Congress of threatening Yes Bank co founder Rana Kapoor to buy 2 crore rupees painting of M F Hussain from party General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi Vadra. Addressing media in New Delhi, BJP spokesperson Gaurav Bhatia said that Kapoor wanted not to give two crore rupees for the painting but the then Ministers of the Congress government pressurized and threatened him to buy the painting. He further alleged that when Congress was in power, members of the Gandhi family used to pressurise former Ministers for some of the paintings to be bought using the proceeds of crime. Mr. Bhatia said that Priyanka Gandhi should clear her stand on the issue.
The Congress today termed as political vendetta the allegation by Yes Bank co-founder Rana Kapoor who has told the Enforcement Directorate that he was forced to buy an M F Husain painting from party leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra.
Speaking to reporters in New Delhi party leader Abhishek Manu Singhvi questioned his and the ED’s credibility.