Tamil Nadu Chief Electoral Officer Satyabrata Sahoo has said that VVPAT machines will be installed in all stations. Speaking to the media in Chennai, he said, 1,55,102 Electronic Voting Machines 1,14,205 Control Units and 1,20,807 VVPATS will be installed in the state.
The CEO said that 89,195 government employees on poll duty will be exercising their franchise through postal ballots. He said that the flying squads had seized Rs. 319 crore worth cash, gold and silver without documents. Mr Sahoo told that ex servicemen and retired policemen will be employed on toll duty.
With regard to DMK MP A Raja’s verbal attack on Mr Palanisamy said that a report would be submitted to the Election Commission. In another development today, Mr A Raja extended apology to the remarks. Earlier yesterday the central Crime Branch registered a case against A Raja for his verbal attack on Mr Palanisamy.